Content Analysis: How to Find Important Information in a Text

Welcome back! We are continuing today with part three of our series on analyzing sources – content analysis. In part one, we introduced analysis broadly – covering authors, sponsors, publications, and sources used. We focused on situational analysis. In part two, we discussed the anatomy of an academic article. We reviewed the abstract, separating facts … Read more

Source Analysis and the Structure of an Academic Article

Welcome back, everyone! I’ve been looking forward to continuing the discussion we started last time: we began discussing how to investigate a source and understand its reliability. This week, we are continuing the conversation on source analysis and taking a more in-depth look at the article I introduced last week – “The Cigarette Controversy” by … Read more

Analyzing Our Research – What Makes A Source Reliable?

Welcome back! I hope everyone had a good weekend, including a happy Easter if you celebrate. Last time, we focused on outlines as a tool that we can use to plan content and structure in our writing. This week, we will focus on analyzing our research and identifying what sources are reliable and worth using.